Tuesday, April 10, 2007
logan00008: Enter The Pimp
logan00008: do0d, do u ever get boners at work.. and feel like jerking it off
The Funk: lol
The Funk: anyway
logan00008: so u do
logan00008: hah
logan00008: so u've jerked off at work in the bathroom
The Funk: lol you crazy
logan00008: HAHAHAH
The Funk: i got em at work tho
The Funk: nothin i could do
The Funk: sadly lol
logan00008: HAHAHAHAHA
logan00008: u just sat there, hoping no one would stop by.. or ask u to come with them
logan00008: u get up, and u knock the office supplise off ur desk down
The Funk: or you have to do the suttle tuck away
logan00008: HAhaha
The Funk: thats what i had to do
logan00008: i can't tuck this puppy
The Funk: used to get them in class too
The Funk: lol
The Funk: lol you're a beast
logan00008: hahaha
logan00008: esp when u wear those slacks that are mad thin
logan00008: like silk boxers
logan00008: hahahaha
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