Tuesday, September 02, 2003
migitman3394: wut
migitman3394: ur suck a retard
electrode 2k2: your stupid
migitman3394: idio
migitman3394: t
electrode 2k2: stupid
electrode 2k2: i'm going to tell everyone you took my cloths off to suck my penis
electrode 2k2: ishan
electrode 2k2: i'm going to call you
electrode 2k2: pick up the phone
migitman3394: hah
migitman3394: i never told u my name
migitman3394: how do u kno it
migitman3394: jahaha
electrode 2k2: its me bolu
electrode 2k2: u stupid
electrode 2k2: your so stupid
migitman3394: HAHA
migitman3394: I TOLD U
migitman3394: FREAK
electrode 2k2: shut up
electrode 2k2: pick up the phone
electrode 2k2: stupid
electrode 2k2: did you guys change your number?
migitman3394: no....
migitman3394: its still 2*2 ****
migitman3394: its always been
electrode 2k2: maybe the area code changed
electrode 2k2: they're always changing area codes
migitman3394: no its 845
electrode 2k2: let me try again
electrode 2k2: pick up the damn phone this time
electrode 2k2: pick it up stupid
migitman3394: its NOT RINGING
electrode 2k2: i told you something is wrong wit your number.
migitman3394: no
electrode 2k2: yea stupid
electrode 2k2: omg pick it up
migitman3394: IT IS NOT RINGING
electrode 2k2: it goes into the fax machine
migitman3394: o well
electrode 2k2: you changed your number, and you didn't tell me
electrode 2k2: remember the 914 to 845 area code change
electrode 2k2: they did it again i'm telling you
migitman3394: 845
migitman3394: 2*2
migitman3394: **2*
migitman3394: 1-845-2*2-**2*
migitman3394: BOLU
migitman3394: STOP
migitman3394: OMG
electrode 2k2: stop what?
migitman3394: I HATE U
migitman3394: !!!
electrode 2k2: he asked me for it
electrode 2k2: he's like i have to talk to him
migitman3394: OMG
migitman3394: BLOCK HIM
electrode 2k2: he said that you blocked him
migitman3394: he isd going to keep calling me
electrode 2k2: and he couldn't im you
electrode 2k2: and he wants to tell you sorry
electrode 2k2: and not to tell you that he wants the number
migitman3394: SO WUT IF HE ASKD FOR IT
migitman3394: ew
electrode 2k2: what did he say
migitman3394: i hate him
migitman3394: he is 23
electrode 2k2: holy shit
migitman3394: YA
electrode 2k2: he told me he was 15
migitman3394: NO!! HE IS 23!!1
electrode 2k2: wow
migitman3394: ya
migitman3394: UR FREAKIN HIM
electrode 2k2: huh
electrode 2k2: why are you warning me
migitman3394: I HATE U LOGAN
migitman3394: I HATE U
electrode 2k2: i'm not logan
electrode 2k2: i'm bolu
electrode 2k2: you stupid
electrode 2k2: he's warning you
electrode 2k2: did you just talk to him?
electrode 2k2: ishan
electrode 2k2: >:o
migitman3394: WHAT
electrode 2k2: did i or did i not tell you...
electrode 2k2: that your going to regret it
electrode 2k2: and u sound so cute on the phone
electrode 2k2: like a girl
migitman3394: LOGAN
migitman3394: I HATE U
electrode 2k2: u don't hate me
electrode 2k2: u love me
electrode 2k2: voice is stretching?
electrode 2k2: LOl
electrode 2k2: wtf is that
migitman3394: now please leave me alone
electrode 2k2: no
migitman3394: i wont ever bother u
migitman3394: ever again
electrode 2k2: i wanna talk to you on the phone
migitman3394: just leave
migitman3394: please
migitman3394: no
electrode 2k2: if i type in ur phone #, in my system..i can have your address
electrode 2k2: i can come visit you
migitman3394: STOP LOGAN
migitman3394: STOP
electrode 2k2: lol

logan00008: who r u talking to on the phone?
migitman3394: HOLY SHIT
logan00008: 8-)
logan00008: 8-)
logan00008: MOHAHAHahahahahaha
logan00008: OWNED
migitman3394: WTF

curry in ur eye: why would u have someone IM fucking retard....and on top of that SHE MADE IT WORSE for you...cuz she just pissed me dumb moron......i wasn't gonna do anything about having your #..just having you off my case..but now that u really pissed me off..i'm gonna give everyone of those losers in SJ chat room your #..and all your buddies online.....
curry in ur eye: i told u nice..DON"T FUCK WITH ME
migitman3394: okay okay im srry
curry in ur eye: and don't EVER FUCKING WARM ME AGAIN...everytime i get warned by YOU or your FRIENDS..i'm calling your house
migitman3394: im really really really srry
migitman3394: i wont
curry in ur eye: WARN*
migitman3394: ever
migitman3394: bother u ever again
migitman3394: i sweaar to god
curry in ur eye: GOOD BYE.... mr. trevidi
migitman3394: i wont
curry in ur eye: i want you to WARN...that GIRL who just imed me
migitman3394: but wait...
migitman3394: okay
migitman3394: i will
curry in ur eye: i want her warning level to go UP
migitman3394: but wait
migitman3394: im gona warn her n leave u alone n forget that u were ever in my life....
migitman3394: but......
migitman3394: u promise not to call
migitman3394: ?
curry in ur eye: long as you keep your promise
migitman3394: okay....
curry in ur eye: i'll keep my promise
migitman3394: good
migitman3394: thank u
migitman3394: GOOD BYE LOGAN
curry in ur eye: she's at 35%
migitman3394: nice knowing u
curry in ur eye: u was fun while it lasted
migitman3394: uhh ya......

Location: New Jersey, United States
09/15/2002 - 09/22/2002 / 08/31/2003 - 09/07/2003 / 01/30/2005 - 02/06/2005 / 08/28/2005 - 09/04/2005 / 01/22/2006 - 01/29/2006 / 02/19/2006 - 02/26/2006 / 04/02/2006 - 04/09/2006 / 02/04/2007 - 02/11/2007 / 04/08/2007 - 04/15/2007 / 06/24/2007 - 07/01/2007 /

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